caller name announcer apk free download

Program works announcer calls speak name of the caller loud and clear and audible where you can find the name of the caller voice without constipation Almupail and if the name is not registered on the program saying Almupail phone number, has a program of ease of use and high quality sound, the program can pronunciation phrases recorded by the number in the phone, which allows you to set a lot of options such as pronunciation of some unique names, or figures of third bands inscribed on the phone or on the phone all registered names, the program does not consume battery pronunciation, speaking program the name of the caller is compatible with all smart phones Android, free software operating system and you can download 
from Google Play.

Software version: Caller name announcer 1.1.5
Program size: 1.3 MB
Developer: App Basic
Developer Program Official Website
The program rating: Programs android 2015 download android apps
Work Environment: 2.3 and above, Samsung Galaxy phones
The last program update: August 2014
Price: Free

caller name announcer apk free download
caller name announcer apk free download



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